Thank you for signing up. Please click the button below to sign up for IdentityIQ if you haven’t already.
Our discount link below will give you the premium plan of identityIQ for $8 off the normal $29.99 per month ( only $22 per month after the initial $1 seven-day trial. We highly recommend that you keep your IdentityIQ subscription the entire time we are working on your credit in order to allow us to get accurate updates from all 3 credit bureaus without us having to rely on you sending us piece-mill updates you receive from the credit bureaus that you get in the mail. IdentityIQ allows us to login and see the updates without you needing to mail us the letters you receive in the mail. We will do a much more thorough job as a result. We are essentially paying for 100% of your IdentityIQ subscription by reducing our price by $22.